Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 15, 2007 - Photo #0008 - "Etched In Stone"

First off, sorry about the day off yesterday, but if there is a day to take off, it's Valentine's Day. Not that we wholly support a day bent on consumerism and so on, but it seemed like a good excuse.

There are those who hate Valentine's Day, those that write it off as a day pushed on us by stores and corporations to sell roses at triple price. There are those that love Valentine's Day, that take time to appreciate the one they love, and go all out for this single special day. Then there are those that say that Valentine's Day is every day with the person that they're with, that there is no reason to celebrate a single day when every day with them is worth celebrating.

Debate can rage on all it wants, but the important issue is that regardless of the reason or the day, spreading love and showing the person that you love how much you appreciate them is what is most important.

Love doesn't need to be etched in stone, or preserved in the annals of time to be special, but if a patch of wet cement is near your work, and your first attempt was found and paved over, and you're on your lunch break, and you have to use your car key because the cement is almost completely hardened, then exceptions can be made.

Love is a sensitive topic, so we'll keep it brief. Love is not only appreciating every moment you spend with the one you love, but anticipating every moment as well.

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